![]() Or for that matter serving anyone? Well if you think about a couple reasons come to mind. 1) We like ourselves - ALOT. No news flash there, but we need to acknowledge that because we tend to view ourselves as most important and others as less important, serving them becomes a bit more challenging. A 2nd reason I believe involves a level of training. Because it's not natural to put others first, as Paul says in Galatians 5:13, we are to serve others in love. Love must be learned. When we begin to follow Jesus, the Spirit of God within begins to change us from the inside out. A few verses later Paul lets us know the Fruit of Spirit, or the byproduct of the Holy Spirit at work within us is... Love. And Joy. And Peace. And Kindness, gentleness. Patience with others. This is God at work in us. So what are some practical ways we can serve others, whether we are in the customer service industry or not... and by the way, we are all in the people business. A) Let's Listen Better. Ask questions. Seek to hear the other person, not just the words but also looking for feelings that are trapped beneath the layer of words. B) I think we serve each other when we look for opportunities to lift a burden. In Galatians 6:1-5 Paul tells us while we all have to carry our own struggles, i.e. no one can take our challenges from us, we can help each other along the way. What can we do to light someone else's load today. Jesus says the greatest among us are those willing to get their hands dirty on behalf of others. Willing to serve others. We are never more like Jesus than when we follow Him, the one who came not to be served, but to also give His life a ransom for the many of us. Mark 10:45. Pastor Mike
![]() Studies consistently show that many people struggle with feeling inadequate. They tend to look down on themselves. Have very low feelings of worth. Usually the culprit has to do with feeling like we just don't measure up well against others in the areas we think important. In terms of popularity. Or feeling like we have enough money. Or the right things. The beauty of following Jesus is that He answers that question for us. Let me ask you to consider just one of the ways in which He does this for you. How do you tend to determine what something is worth? Every time we've gone to sell a home, we've had to try and determine what our home is worth. I'll never forget early on in Michigan, our realtor at the time reminded us, "Your home is worth whatever someone is willing to give you for it AND you're willing to accept." In other words, what you are willing to pay for an item is what it's worth. So, consider what you are worth to God.... Peter says, Jesus your worth to God is measured in that Jesus gave His life for you. Silver, Gold, Bitcoins, none were enough. You & I are special to God because He sent His Son to bring us back to Himself! Consider God's opinion of yourself next time you're tempted to beat yourself up. See you Sunday! Pastor Mike "How to Get Along" - The Power of One (Week 3) - Sunday Message - 1/19/25 - Pastor Mike Warman1/22/2025 "Our One Mission" - The Power of One (Week 2) - Sunday Message - 1/12/25 - Pastor Mike Warman1/15/2025 ![]() In John 17 we read of the time when He prayed for His disciples, and for you and I. One of the things that He asked God for was your protection. Stop & ponder that for a moment... Jesus prayed for your safety! Do you pray for your kids? For those you care about? Family members? Friends? If so i bet one of the things you ask for is that God would be with them. That He would protect them. What might that sound like? Here's a couple things you might consider as you pray for those you love:
I hope you will join us Sunday as we continue our Series - The Power of One. Jesus prayed we would be One People with One Mission. When we do this we see POWERFUL DISPLAYS of God's Work in our life! See you Sunday! Pastor Mike PS- Invite someone to sit with you this Sunday! |
AuthorStonebridge Community Church is a Bible-based non-denominational church located in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. Archives
February 2025