Here is where you will find all the information about the Worship Band Jam Night.
Below is the music that we be playing. You don't have to learn them all, you don't have to master them to come and play. They are just a guide line for the night. This will be a fun night to play some songs and get to know each other!
Feel free to bring all of your instruments that you play, or you can use ours. (We have acoustic guitar, bass, keys, drums).
Vocalist bring your water or tea, whatever makes your voice soar!
Also, please bring a good set of headphones so you can hear yourself clearly.
Below is the music that we be playing. You don't have to learn them all, you don't have to master them to come and play. They are just a guide line for the night. This will be a fun night to play some songs and get to know each other!
Feel free to bring all of your instruments that you play, or you can use ours. (We have acoustic guitar, bass, keys, drums).
Vocalist bring your water or tea, whatever makes your voice soar!
Also, please bring a good set of headphones so you can hear yourself clearly.
Included below is music that you can look at to familiarize yourself with the songs that we will be playing.
You will see multiple chord sheets! It may look like a lot, but don’t worry, they are just there so everyone can have what they need.
Each song will have an original key chord sheet.
This is good for vocalists, bass players, drummers, or anyone that wants to play without the “cheats” below.
Then the song will have a capo version. This is good for acoustic guitarists or keyboardists.
And all the songs will have the key of C. This is what we have found to be easiest for keyboardists. We just transpose the keyboard to the right key. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know what any of that means, we will show you.
Print out the chord chart you like best, make some notes, and bring it on the 26th!
We hope that you will join us!
August 26th
6:45pm – 8:45pm
Please feel free to shoot an email to [email protected].
You will see multiple chord sheets! It may look like a lot, but don’t worry, they are just there so everyone can have what they need.
Each song will have an original key chord sheet.
This is good for vocalists, bass players, drummers, or anyone that wants to play without the “cheats” below.
Then the song will have a capo version. This is good for acoustic guitarists or keyboardists.
And all the songs will have the key of C. This is what we have found to be easiest for keyboardists. We just transpose the keyboard to the right key. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know what any of that means, we will show you.
Print out the chord chart you like best, make some notes, and bring it on the 26th!
We hope that you will join us!
August 26th
6:45pm – 8:45pm
Please feel free to shoot an email to [email protected].
Male Vocal - Key of Bb - 4/4 Time

King of Glory Key of Bb.pdf |

King of Glory Key of G Chords(Capo 3).pdf |

King of Glory Key of C Chords(Capo 10).pdf |
Below are tutorials that are here to help you with King of Glory.
They are just a guide and a tool, don't stress on playing them exactly like the tutorials.
They are just a guide and a tool, don't stress on playing them exactly like the tutorials.
Male Vocal - Key of Bb - 4/4 Time

House of the Lord Key of Bb.pdf |

House of the Lord Key of G(Capo 3).pdf |

House of the Lord Key of C(Capo 10).pdf |
Below are tutorials that are here to help you play House of the Lord.
They are just a guide and a tool, don't stress on playing them exactly like the tutorials.
They are just a guide and a tool, don't stress on playing them exactly like the tutorials.
Female Vocal - Key of D - 4/4 Time

A Million Saints Key of D.pdf |

A Million Saints Key of C(Capo 10).pdf |
This song does not have any good tutorials, but it is a fun song to play. This is a good opportunity to listen and see how you play by listening. Let's see what you come up with.(Basically play chords and you will be fine)
Female Vocal - Key of D - 4/4 Time

King of Kings Key of D.pdf |

King of Kings Key of C(Capo 2).pdf |
Below are tutorials that are here to help you play King of Kings.
They are just a guide and a tool, don't stress on playing them exactly like the tutorials.
They are just a guide and a tool, don't stress on playing them exactly like the tutorials.