"To Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" is maybe one of the more familiar quotes Jesus ever spoke. A lot of us would nod and give verbal assent that this is indeed true. We should be people who love and think well of others. The problem comes when it's actually time to put this into action. See it's likely going to come at a time when someone has hurt us. Or been rude. Possibly stolen something that belongs to us. Or gossiped about us? We're not very likely to run into someone lying in a ditch needing immediate medical attention like the guy in the story Jesus told. you can read the story here What might it mean to for you & I to love our neighbor in the same way we love ourselves? Could I suggest a couple ways we might put this into principle into action this week? Or for the next few weeks! * Here's one... you know how you always cut yourself some slack when you mess up? How about you show others the same grace you'd like to be treated with if you were to make the same mistake. Show grace, patience, kindness, especially with those you might disagree with. * How about making it your main thing twice a week to look for someone who has a need you can meet, and offer to meet it. In Jesus story we read the Samaritan, "when he saw the man, he had compassion on him." He saw him, had his eyes up and was looking around. He was able to see the man in need. Have you ever wondered why so many people do nothing to help those around them? I ask the question this way, "Why don't people get off their donkey and help?" We'll tackle that one on Sunday! This week- who can you be a neighbor to? Is it possible the Lord has placed you in just the place you are because He wants someone helped, encouraged, loved in the Might Name of Jesus? See you Sunday friend! Pastor Mike
Sunday Service - 1/28/24 - Love Does (Week 2) "What's Most Important" - Pastor Mike Warman1/30/2024 Hey what's the one thing you do that makes life fun for you? Is there just one? Probably not. On our jobs, many of us wear multiple hats with many responsibilities, so it's hard to narrow down what our main thing is! There's funny exchange in the Movie City Slickers where a grizzly old cowboy turns the young city slicker and asks him, "Do you know what the secret to life is?" The city slicker says, "No What?" The old cowboy puts up one finger and says "This." To which the city guys says, "Your finger is the secret to life?" The cowboy responds, "No, It's just one thing. You stick to that and everything else doesn't mean a thing." Well that's great! says the city guy, "What's the One Thing?" "Ahhh," says the cowboy, "That's what you got to figure out!" One day someone came to Jesus and asked him, "Teacher, what's the greatest commandment?" Or in other words, "What's the Main Thing we need to do in order to live life well?" Jesus responded, "To love the Lord Your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength". and the 2nd is like it, to love your neighbor as yourself." Let what might this love look like?
It might mean spiritually joining a small group or Bible Study, or making it your mission to worship Jesus on Sundays. It may mean becoming a better listener, to the Lord in His word or to your family as they talk to you. It could be an extra phone call or note to let someone know you're thinking & praying for them! It could be that you sacrifice something of your time, money or reputation in order to see their life enriched! This Sunday we're going to dig deeper in what it means to live out the Love of Jesus! I hope you'll join me either in person or online! Until then have an awesome week my friend! Pastor Mike . Most people assume the opposite of fear is courage...after all if you're fearful of something you just need to be a bit braver right? But what if the antidote to fear is something else? Like Love perhaps. Isn't it often true the people will do something really brave or courageous because of their love for someone. You might be really afraid of the dark. But if your child is lost at night, you'd like;y grab your nearest flashlight and set out to find them. Why? Because you love someone more than your fear! Jesus wasn't afraid. In John 13:1 we read Jesus loved His disciples, and by extension you and I today. He loved them to the end. It's an interesting expression. Basically means He loves us to the fullest extent possible. This week you & I will be faced with situations in which we will or we will not show the love of Jesus towards others. In a couple common ways. One will be in how we deal with people who are not like us. Could be not like us by race, gender, religious preferences, nationality, or they just flat our annoy us. How will we respond towards difficult people? What would the love of Jesus look like? You might take a look at how Jesus responded to Judas if you want some thoughtful ideas. He washed his feet. He spoke truthfully to him. He treated him with a measure of grace. He shared a mean with him. All towards the guy that Jesus knew was going to betray Him. This week join me for new Series - LOVE DOES. We'll look to the Love of our Savior. He Loves you- He makes Loving others possible. See You Sunday friend! Pastor Mike Is there anyone you follow? It's a big deal these days for businesses and celebrities to count "followers", or the number of people who are "following" them on Twitter or Instagram. If you're not familiar with those that's ok. The word or idea of being a "follower" is quite common. From followers of certain political figures to sports teams, the people who like or want to be a part of something is quite common. Jesus had followers. He had people who just hung around him 'cuz they liked his teaching. He had people literally following him around called disciples. On one unique occasion Jesus identified what quality should mark his followers. "As I have loved you, so you should love another. By this all men will know you are my followers, if you love one another." John 13:34-35. Here's the tough question though? How? What would this love look like if we were to carry it out? If Love is the one of the true marks of Following Jesus, what makes it so special? First, the love Jesus talked about isn't warm fuzzy feelings or some romantic inkling. The love Jesus refers to has little to do with "feeling like it". This love is making a tough choice, to want the best for the person in mind. What's the best thing for them? What would be the highest good for them in their current situation? You want that, rather than being indifferent or wanting to see them hurt. This kind of love calls for us to be inconvenienced. It means it may not be on my time table. To love like Jesus loved us calls for sacrifice. To be misunderstood. Right now everywhere we look we see people fighting. Literally with guns & bombs, With fists. Protests and Pickets. We are fighting in our homes, in the streets, at school board meeting and sometimes in the churches. . Jesus says the world we know who belongs to Him and who does not by how we treat one another. Especially how we treat those we disagree with. That's how the world will know we follow Jesus. Some years later John, one of Jesus closest allies would say, "Little children, don't just talk about love, but let it be seen in your actions towards one another." 1 John 3:18 Join me Sunday for a new session LOVE DOES. See ya soon! Pastor Mike |
AuthorStonebridge Community Church is a Bible-based non-denominational church located in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. Archives
January 2025