Sunday Service - 4/28/24 - 7 Signs - Miracles of Jesus - "Jesus Heals the Lame Man" - Shawn Simmons4/30/2024
![]() Sounds like a dumb question I know! On a YouTube video, a young boy comes across a small sheep stuck headfirst in a long narrow trench which has been dug beside a road. The boy uses his hands and a belt around the leg of the sheep to rescue the trapped sheep. Immediately on being set free, the sheep takes a few stumbling steps, and then a couple of joyful leaps … only to land headfirst back in the same trench further along the road. The audio then records then sheep baaing helplessly after finding itself right back in the same condition. It's not so funny when people do similar things is it? In John's Gospel, read story here there's a story of a guy who had been in a tough spot for a very long time, almost 40 years. His whole adult life. Waiting for help. One day Jesus asked this guy, "Friend, do you want to get well?" What a dumb question? But maybe he, like you and me, don't really want to get well? Consider how he'd lose all the attention of others. No more pity parties and look how tough i have it, you won't believe what so & so did to me? Or now he'd have to fend for himself. Jesus told the man to get up and walk and take his stuff with him, and he did that, but now he'd have to keep doing this. He had clearly gotten use to a life of blaming others, who would he have to blame now that he was made whole? Do you want Jesus to help you get well? That's an honest question we all would do well to ask ourselves. For the implications of the answer will determine the direction our life takes. Do you want to be better? Find help? What might Jesus say to you to do in order for your life to go in a better direction? See You on Sunday Friend! Pastor Mike Sunday Service - 4/21/24 - 7 Signs - Miracles of Jesus - "Jesus Feeds the 5,000" - Shawn Simmons4/23/2024 ![]() If only I could really believe, my life would be better!! If only I had more faith?? In one of the most well know stories in the Bible, Peter was walking on the water to Jesus. He took a step and got outta the boat. He's soooooo close. And just like that, he begins to sink. Literally he's in over his head. As he cries out to the Lord for help, Jesus is close enough to reach out his hand and grab his, to pull him up to safety. The text doesn't tell us, but i've always wondered... how did they get back into the boat? Once there, Jesus asked him, Peter, you came so far, why did you begin to doubt you'd make it all the way? Why do we doubt Jesus? Why do you doubt God? Sometimes we doubt because we simply get distracted by the storm? When the "winds" push against our "boat", it's easy to get discouraged. We get tired. We see the obstacles and acknowledge that it's crazy to think Jesus can help. So we doubt His care? Or that He can provide us a way out. Charlies Brown said, "I've developed a new philosophy... I only dread one day at a time." I hope you'll join me Sunday as we take a look at Jesus miracle in walking with Peter. It's easy to get busy and distracted by the stuff that is happening in our lives. We feel overwhelmed and like we're "drowning"! All the while, Jesus promises that He is with us and there to see us safely back into the "boat". "Truly you are the Son of God". The remedy for doubt is worship. See You Sunday friend! Pastor Mike Sunday Service - 4/7/24 - 7 Signs - Miracles of Jesus - "The Man Born Blind" - Pastor Mike Warman4/9/2024 ![]() It's a common thing at basketball games, during the introduction of the starting lineups, for the lights to dim and a HUGE SPOTLIGHT to shine on the player being introduced. All the attention is on the one individual. They make a BIG DEAL over this one person and the crowd either roars or boos! It's fun to watch. Which made me wonder... How do we make a BIG DEAL about Jesus? How do we put the spotlight on Him as we're out living life??? In John 9 there's a story of a guy unable to see, John says he's had this problem since birth. As Jesus and his merry band approach, the disciples ask Jesus a theological question. "Teacher, who messed up that this poor begging blind guy here is unable to see?" Was it him? His parents? Jesus gives an interesting response when he says, neither. It was for the work of God to be on display in his life. It was that he might be a walking miracle. This week we're going to launch a study into the 7 miracles John highlights, that all point to the greatness of Jesus Christ. But it makes us think? Are there any walking miracles today? Has the work of God happened in your life? In mine? I would make a case that if you know Jesus, then ABSOLUTELY YES! You are a work of God. How then can you & I put a spotlight on Jesus? Here's a couple ways...
Jesus told the man to go and wash his eyes out after He put some mud on them. The guy had to cooperate with what Jesus asked Him to do. This is still true. Jesus does some work in us and asks us to trust and obey. As we do, we see the work of God in our lives. And we shine a SPOTLIGHT on Jesus. See ya Sunday- You Walking Miracle! Pastor Mike PS-Last Sunday for Easter was so much fun! The largest Easter Service since 2019. If you missed it, you can catch it on our YouTube page. May Jesus encourage and fill your life with His presence!!! |
AuthorStonebridge Community Church is a Bible-based non-denominational church located in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. Archives
February 2025