Possibly one of the toughest challenges to our faith or growing in our walk with Jesus is when we pray, with the most sincerest of motives, for something that seems good, and the answer we seek doesn't come out the way we wanted. Maybe more people of faith have been decimated by this than we care to admit. Unanswered prayer, or when the answer is no, has likely shipwrecked the faith of more than we realize. If you look through the Scripture you'll find more than a few times people asked God for something only to be turned away empty handed. Consider:
On Sunday we'll continue our series on Listening to God by attempting to answer the question of What to do when God says No.... or Wait? See You Sunday Friend! Pastor Mike PS- Huge thank you to those who prayed and supported our Ready Set Move adventure week for kids. Sheri shared on Sunday there were 14 kids who indicated they either decided to follow Jesus last week or heard about Him for the first time! Thanks for being a part of reaching this community for Christ!
Sunday Service - 7/23/23 - Listening to God (Week 2 - "Fuel for Your Soul") - Pastor Mike Warman7/25/2023 You've probably seen an add or two for sports energy drinks. There are a couple popular brands out there that promise to replenish and refresh your body as you exercise or work out in your sport. Which got me to wondering.... What do we do to refresh our soul? How does a heart that gets tired & bruised find nourishment. David said he found it in his times with God. Psalm 62 was written during times when he was under attack by his enemies (v.3-4). Twice he says he found his strength renewed in being with the Lord (v1, 5). That God was a safe place in troubled times (v.6, 8). That God can be trusted (v.11&12). Jesus when he was attacked said we don't exist by eating pizza, working out and drinking the right energy drinks. He said we grow and are nourished as we feast on God and His Word (Matthew 4:4). Your Father in Heaven is with you today. As we noted on Sunday, make space for Him. Invite God to speak to you and listen. Be mindful that He has promised to direct your steps as you trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). This Sunday- part two of our Series Listening to God will focus on some specific things God uses to communicate His unwavering Love to us. I hope you'll join us. Invite a friend to come with you or gather with someone else online! See You Sunday Friend! Pastor Mike PS- As of Tuesday morning God has raised over 70% of our goal towards the $1,000 we need for VBS. Thanks to all who are giving and praying for kids. There is still room for you. Go to the website or contact the church office and we'll get you the name of kiddo you can pray for beginning today! No, this isn't one of those Whitey Herzog endorsements for the latest hearing aid. Although, I've got to say since I've had my new aids I'm hearing A LOT more sounds that i was. It's funny, my audiologist told me I'd begin to hear the birds chirping again, and I have. And they're loud. Truthfully there are many sounds going on through out the day, all right around you, and you're not even aware. Your hearing might be off like mine, or you might have pitch perfect hearing. But i bet you're still not picking up the myriad of radio, spotify and tv sound all around you. Why? You simply don't have the right receptor. You're not "tuned in". Listening to the Lord is a lot like tuning in on your Bluetooth headset. You're dialing in, paying attention and "listening" to what's coming across your feed. What if listening to the Lord Jesus was very similar? Jesus in Luke 5 is seen frequently getting away, to pray. Prayer is both talking and listening. Listening for what God might say to you. Listening for direction. Listening for affirmation. Being mindful that God is crazy jealous for you. What holds us back? Maybe holds you back? Here's an idea..... we're too busy. To listen well to your spouse or kids or friends, takes intentional time and energy. To listen well doesn't just happen. Are you able to pause that you might here from your friend Jesus Christ? Here's thought # 2. In order to does this... you've got to be of the mindset that He EXISTS and that He WANTS TO SPEAK to You. Some days that's a mountain of belief.... Sunday I'll begin a 3 part series Called Listening to God. This week, what "HEARING AIDS" will help us tune in to what God wants to say. I hope you'll join me in person or online beginning at 9:33am. It's also National Ice Cream day and the first 80 folks 12 and older are guaranteed and ice cream bar courtesy of our Elder team! Hope you and your family will be there! Sorry on line viewers, the ice cream will melt before we can get it to you :-) See You Sunday Friend! Pastor Mike PS- How can we pray for you? Click here What's going on? Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. I had my prostate removed Monday June 26. Slowly working my way back. Thank you for thinking of us! |
AuthorStonebridge Community Church is a Bible-based non-denominational church located in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. Archives
January 2025