A couple buddies were having some drinks when they the conversation turned to what they hoped people would say to them at their funerals. First guy said he hoped people would remember him as a great humanitarian, someone who really tried to help people in life. 2nd guy said he wished people would remember how much he loved his wife and kids. That he was the guy willing to coach the kids soccer & baseball teams. That he was good friend. 3rd guy thinks for a moment then replies, "Ya know, I hope when everyone is around me at the end, one of you shouts, LOOK- HE'S MOVING!" I guess we'd all like to go on forever, for the truth is we're just not sure what's on the other side! But what if you could know? Would that change your perspective on Life.... as well as Death? It's been said Jesus never went to a funeral that he didn't turn into a celebration. When his friend Lazarus died, Jesus went to his grave. In a matter of moments he called his name, and Lazarus walked away a free man. If true.... Lazarus gives us a picture of our future. One where death and the grave have no hold on us. Jesus said He was the Resurrection. He is our Life.. and when we choose to follow Jesus.... to put our trust in Him.... we will live forever with Him. Do you believe this? Each of us must answer this question. Easter is the reminder that because Jesus is Risen... We will Rise as well! Happy Easter Friend- Jesus is Risen! Pastor Mike PS- Hope to See You this Sunday - Easter Sunday at either 9:30 or 11:00am. Jesus is Risen! He is Risen indeed!!
There's a lot things that get people upset? That cause us to worry. That make us mad. Friends leave us. Families fight. People at work can be a hassle. The person who promised us, failed to deliver. Our health fails. We don't seem to have enough money to either cover our bills, or be able buy the next big "shiny thing" we set our heart on. So we cover up the hurt in our heart. We hide it through humor, or denying the pain. We try and mask it, medicate it or drown it. It's never pretty. There was one time Jesus was brutally honest. He told us to not let our hearts get troubled. Easier said than done right? But then he gave us a genuine alternative to drugs or therapy. He said to believe in Him. To put our confidence in his unfailing love towards us. The answer to our troubles is to trust the Savior! When Jesus wanting to bring calm to the chaos the disciples were facing, he reminded them to KEEP ON TRUSTING HIM. Peace is always found in the PERSON of Jesus Christ. This Sunday I invite you to join me as we look more closely at how we can live above the noise. How we can function and carry on while so many may crash around us. Jesus Heals the Hurts in our Heart. Jesus is the WAY, The TRUTH and our LIFE. See You on Sunday friend! Pastor Mike PS- plan now to join us Easter Sunday at either 9:30 or 11:00am. Jesus is Risen! He is Risen indeed!! Sunday Service - 3/17/24 - Who is Jesus? (Week 4) "I am the Good Shepherd" - Pastor Mike Warman3/19/2024 Who is it you like to listen to? On the radio? Or TV? Is there a podcast person you tune in frequently? It's not unusual that we find ourselves drawn to the same people! Usually because we like their opinions, or may like the sound of their voice. Usually they see the world the same way we do. Do you ever seek out people you disagree with, to see what the "other side" may be thinking? Yeah, not much right! When Jesus wanted a word picture to remind us WHO HE IS.... He choose the picture of a Good Shepherd. Interesting. Not a Good Banker. Nor a Good Tax Collector. Not even a Good Fisherman. He said Good Shepherd. Why? 'Cuz sheep need someone they trust, that they will follow, to lead them to the good places in life. Sheep by nature are easily frightened. Left to themselves they will wander, only concerned for the next grass they can find to graze. Good Shepherds will lead them along a good paths, to fresh water and green pastures. Good Shepherds will guard their sheep against dangerous people and animals. Good Shepherds will relentlessly care for the sheep for their reputation as a Trustworthy Shepherd is on the line. So it is with Jesus. He promises to care and direct you, one of the precious people under His care. He promises to lead you to good places for your life to do well, but only if you're willing to listen and to follow. That's the hard part. Often, i'm stubborn as a mule, or a sheep, and don't care to listen to the voice of the shepherd. Do you wish to find your life in a good spot, one that finds you flourishing? Doing well? At rest? Then ask Jesus, the Good Shepherd to lead you. His reputation is on the line to take care of us! He will do it. "My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me" John 10:27 Pastor Mike P.S. Hey, our Legacy Fund to secure chairs for the next generation stands at 70% as of today. Please consider being a part! Sunday Service - 3/10/24 - Who is Jesus? (Week 3) "I am the Light of the World" - Pastor Mike Warman3/12/2024 Not sure about you, but as I was counting ours we have a flashlight in almost every room and a couple in the basement. Now why? Why isn't one enough? Or maybe two so you can have one in each hand?? You know the reason, because if the lights go out and you need light NOW, you may not be able to get to the ONE or TWO. You NEED LIGHT NOW. When Jesus was here, he stated for all to hear, I Am the Light of the World. John 8:12 & 9:5. When he was letting people know who He IS, he said "I AM THE LIGHT". Not only was He Light, but followers of his are called the Light of the World and Children of Light (Matthew 5:14 & Ephesians 5:8-9). You know light does at least two things- both of which are true of Jesus and Believers.
I am the Light of the World and the one who FOLLOWS ME will never walk in Darkness, but instead will have LIFE. Join me Sunday friend as we explore more fully what it means to have the Light of Jesus invading our lives! Pastor Mike ** PS- There is still room to join me Tuesday March 12 for one of two BE STILL- A LISTENING RETREAT. We have the opportunity to get alone with Jesus for a couple hours and LISTEN to what He wants to say to us. Register here. |
AuthorStonebridge Community Church is a Bible-based non-denominational church located in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. Archives
January 2025